HVAC Maintenance Checklist

HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Here's an easy, doable preventative maintenance checklist to keep your HVAC in top shape.

It's a good idea to hire a HVAC company to inspect and do maintenance on your system every fall and spring. They'll do things like inspect and clean the wiring and mechanisms of the unit, which is bit more challenging for the average homeowner.

 But you can prolong the life and increase the efficiency of your system if you follow this simple maintenance plan.

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HouseLogic’s Top-10 List of New Years Resolutions for Your Home

HouseLogic’s Top-10 List of New Years Resolutions for Your Home

When the new year arrives, promises and resolutions abound. Here's the top-10 list of what the resolute home owner should accomplish this year.

This time, it's going to be different. A brand new year, brimming with possibilities, and you've resolved to move through your house like a whirling tornado of can-do, fixing, painting, and organizing. This year, nothing will stop you.

Welcome to your home improvement New Year's Resolutions.

Based on the most-common top-ten resolutions gathered by Time magazine, USA.gov, and other sources, we've put together an inspiring list of home management goals.

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